2016 MBFWA Albus Lumen

16th May 2016: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia – Albus Lumen Albus Lumen on Location at Pix Studios http://www.albuslumen.com/

2016 MBFWA Yeojin Bae

16th May 2016: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia Yeojin Bae Yeojin Bae in The Theatre at Carriageworks. https://shop.yeojinbae.com/

2016 MBFWA Ginger & Smart

16th May 2016: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia Ginger & Smart Ginger & Smart on the Runway at Carriageworks. http://www.gingerandsmart.com/ 

2016 MBFWA – Toni Matičevski

15th May 2016: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia Opening Night Toni Matičevski Mercedes Benz Fashion Week kicks off with Toni Matičevski showing off his collection in The Cutaway at Barangaroo. https://www.tonimaticevski.com/

The Boat, The Beach and The ‘Model’.

7th June 2015. The day started off me not getting out of the house in time, as no one would tell me what time we were meeting, I think my 'friends' were trying to ditch me. I was finally told to get a move along, as they were meeting at 11:00. I told them I would be getting there at ...

The Pumpkin. The Slippers. The Garden.

23rd May 2015. I met Izzy for the first time on the day of the shoot, after some initial talk and some interrogation, to make sure she was who she claimed to be, lol, kidding, we got to work. I spent my Saturday with Izzy and shot at two locations. After the first set of shots with some cyclists, and ...

Lita Magazine & Creatives Uncovered Collections Showcase

5th February 2015: Lita Magazine & Creatives Uncovered Collections Showcase.