2016 MBFWA Manning Cartell

17th May 2016: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia - Manning Cartell

2016 MBFWA Day 1 Street Shots.

16th May 2016: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia – Street Shots

2016 MBFWA Zhivago

16th May 2016: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia - Zhivago

2016 MBFWA Swarovski

16th May 2016: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia - Swarovski

2016 MBFWA Aje

16th May 2016: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia - Aje Aje in Bay 25 at Carriageworks, Redfern. http://a-j-e.com.au/

2016 MBFWA Misha Collection

16th May 2016: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia - Misha Collection The Misha Collection on the Runway at Carriageworks led by Bella Hadid. http://www.mishacollection.com.au/

2016 MBFWA Albus Lumen

16th May 2016: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia – Albus Lumen Albus Lumen on Location at Pix Studios http://www.albuslumen.com/

2016 MBFWA Yeojin Bae

16th May 2016: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia Yeojin Bae Yeojin Bae in The Theatre at Carriageworks. https://shop.yeojinbae.com/

2016 MBFWA Ginger & Smart

16th May 2016: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia Ginger & Smart Ginger & Smart on the Runway at Carriageworks. http://www.gingerandsmart.com/ 

2016 MBFWA – Toni Matičevski

15th May 2016: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Australia Opening Night Toni Matičevski Mercedes Benz Fashion Week kicks off with Toni Matičevski showing off his collection in The Cutaway at Barangaroo. https://www.tonimaticevski.com/